Monday, May 5, 2014

Supreme Court of India,where truth prevails.

In an inaugural speech given by the then Chief justice of India on 28th January 1950,the chief justice Hon'ble Shri. Harilal J.Kania had said that the Supreme Court of India stands to administer the law,has good will and sympathy for all,but is allied to none.The Hon'ble Chief Justice also went on to say that "We hope and trust the Court will maintain the high traditions of the Judiciary and perform its duties without fear and favour".

The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has stood for the expectations of the then Chief Justice and will continue to,by being a powerful instrument for protecting law all over the country.

But,some issues do not reach to the supreme court as not every one has access to the supreme court,people who don't have financial support or are not aware of their rights and injustice caused to them never approach to the Supreme Court.

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